What is prophylaxis?
Prophylaxis is the branch of dental medicine whose main purpose is the maintenance of healthy teeth, hence the most well-known attribute, that of the cheapest treatment. The goal is achieved through the means of preventing caries and other conditions that can affect oral health.
The low costs of prevention, compared to treating already occurring problems, make this branch an extremely important one, even if many patients are not aware of all the benefits of prophylaxis.
And when we discuss the benefits, it is essential to point out that the procedures performed also improve the health of the whole body in addition to the directly targeted area.
Periodic dental control
The best-known method for preventing caries and periodontal disease is regular dental check-ups. The recommendation is that it be carried out 2 times a year, and in case of the appearance of worrying symptoms, as soon as possible.
Here are some examples of symptoms that should prompt any patient to see the dentist: spontaneous pain, hot, cold or sweet pain, embarrassment or discomfort when chewing, bad breath, bleeding gums or inflamed gums.
Because many are afraid of visiting the dentist, either because of the associated pain or because of the costs, we would like to mention the fact that a visit to us does not imply the obligation of a treatment.
Our protocol requires that during the first check-up the patient familiarizes himself with the doctor and the location, knows the main treatment options, but also their costs, so that his decision is a calculated one.
The benefits of periodic dental control
Detection of diseases in their early stages
By performing a complete examination by the dentist, it is possible to detect recently appeared conditions that are often not visible during the examination at home.
Evaluation of the degree of oral hygiene
Even if the patient believes that they have correct hygiene, the dentist’s examination may reveal certain harmful habits or incorrect hygiene, so that they can be corrected.
Assessment of the entire oral cavity
The dentist does not only examine the teeth, but the entire oral cavity, managing to detect in the early stages and diseases of the gums and the entire oral mucosa.
Removal of tartar and bacterial plaque
Within this branch, in addition to the examination, the complete prophylaxis package that includes descaling, brushing and airflow aims to eliminate tartar and bacterial plaque, which are the main causes of many ailments.
Verification of previous treatments
Also during the periodic checks, the doctor examines the state of the works done in the past, being able to correct or replace them if they are no longer in the best condition.
Professional descaling is the action performed by the dentist with the aim of removing tartar and dental plaque.
Thus, this procedure prevents both the occurrence of caries and gum disease, diseases that, if left untreated, can have severe long-term effects.
Professional brushing
Descaling is a very effective process, but incomplete without professional brushing.
After performing the descaling, there is still bacterial plaque left unremoved, the solution coming with the help of professional brushing that comes in addition to the first procedure.
Thus, by means of these procedures, the complete removal of the main factors that cause dental conditions is achieved, as well as the removal of stains and colorings that are disturbing from an aesthetic point of view.
This procedure complements the previously mentioned and consists of projecting a jet of water, air and microparticles of sodium bicarbonate.
Thus, even the most difficult stains are removed, and hard-to-reach areas are cleaned effectively.
Therefore, prophylaxis is the indicated method for preserving a healthy smile, preventing the occurrence of conditions that may require complicated and expensive treatments.